This website has been established from 2010, but only a few articles. very unfortunate indeed already paid domain, but not utilized optimally. it's all because of insufficient time to take care of this one website, I have 4 websites, and two of them were already making hundreds of dollars per month. I am very pleased. because it already exceeded the average salary in my country. and I thought, if I became a fulltime webmaster and have a lot of websites, it may earn thousands of dollars per month. but it all still takes knowledge and time;-(.
while I am, can be summed up as a busy person, because I must help my parents in their small restaurant, must study for my future, should go to college , and also must work, ie taking care of my websites to get more dollars hehe. ok, if you are someone who just jumped into the online business world. the first step and very easy to make money is by working on the program paid to review. but the requirement that should you meet is, you must have a website / blog with high pagerank. and how to have a blog / website with high pagerank high? for the shortcut, you have to buy a domain that has a high pagerank . price varies from $ 15 up to hundreds of dollars, it all depends in PageRank, the higher pagerank, the higher money you will earn. ok I will continue this article later, I have to go. bye bye :-) have a nice day. I will give you the best recommended media which is will pay you.