Have you heard of anything about the theft of an account from a facebook account, personal email, up to a paypal account. Wow what if your paypal account could be stolen, and paypal already contains a lot of $$$$$. This is very dangerous. Therefore, we must be more careful.
but how someone could steal our personal data to detail?
here are the secret:
to obtain our personal data data even passwords, the hackers use some software :
The system works is to steal passwords stored in web browser, mozilla, IE, chrome, and several other programs like Yahoo messenger, .. Trillian, MSN etc.. should never save passwords in your browser, it had only one web browser that is stubborn and hard to break the encryption is at the Opera, .. but the latest version of stealer can already managed to break the encryption system.
2. Zeus botnets
Such a bot, how it works is to capture the form that we submit, .. more sophisticated and more sadistic . Not only in stolen username password. but including cookies also joined in the conveyance. So far as I know Zeus can only work in IE and Mozilla Firefox, Opera is still safe .
3. Keylogger
I find that last keylogger quite sophisticated, .. because if the keylogger before when we hit the space key will be in writing "[SPACE]" ato then press the delete button on write "[DEL]", shift = [SHIFT], ctrl = [CTRL]
and last I found really quite nice, .. Log neatly written without writing [SPACE] or [DEL]
Solutions for you
* Avoid installing pirated software! or warez
Why? remember! hackers is very clever. criminals are always one step ahead of police. They use encrypter to disguise a virus. so, although as often as you update your antivirus, still less with the original product. because the software that you get with the free, Who created they keygen? why did they create the keygen, and gave it free to us all? and what is the benefit? they certainly want to make a advantage.
* Stay away from pornographic websites, because it is usually installed web exploits, which are going to silently download the exe from the server, then installing on our computers, .. and we esteemed computer is infected . (Malware untill malignant bot )
* Be careful with java certificate, do not carelessly click Run or OK, because many of the advantage to have installed other programs, whether it's a bot or malware.
* Usually the spread of the virus / bot the most popular is via a USB stick (Flash Disk). When prompted to confirm the autorun when the flash is in the plugs should be canceled!
* Do not click any links from our friends via Yahoo Messenger ato others, .. because it did not rule out our friends infected computers, and messages that are sent in the form of earlier in the url send by a virus.
May be useful for you all .....